Entrepreneur and Technologist with a Gandhian philosophical bent towards economics, politics and social sciences. Founder BallotboxIndia.com, Gnovations Technologies.
I write and speak on the matters of relevance for technology, economics, environment, politics and social sciences with an Indian philosophical pivot.
I have Worked for over a decade with major capital market players on Wall Street, leading engineering and management efforts behind financial engineering, performance analytics, risk and compliance systems capable of handling a massive amount of financial transactional and analytical data.
Right now developing technological solutions like ballotboxindia.com with a small group of professionals, scientists and researchers to bring out innovation, ideas and human capital from across India mainstream, and support them with data, analytics, infrastructure, and right tools. With an aim to support science and evidence backed research to aid policy reforms in India I'm also leading efforts to evolve a major think tank on the issues of environment, governance, equality and related socio-cultural-economics handles with an India centric and inward-looking philosophy.
During last decade technology has pivoted around a principle of misaligned interests. Instead of strengthening democracies and communities, it's all about aiming and exploiting the frailty of human behavior to sell ideas bordering consent manufacturing or massive consumerism.
Digital technology is very potent and its impact wide and immense, if we from the tech world detach morality from business, harms to the world, specifically where democratic systems can easily be subjugated to vested interest, are huge and irreparable.
Our efforts are to intervene and bring some sanity back to the internet, we are aiming to build research-oriented workforce solving sustainability, justice, equality and governance issues in India and beyond.
Some of the relevant ones.
गुरुग्राम ज़िले के जल प्रबंधन, भूजल में खारे पानी की बढती समस्या और शहरी बाढ़ की स्थिति में ज़िले के आपदा निवारण, प्रबंधन एवं त्वरित जल निकासी के उपायों और विभागीय तैयारियों के विषय में हाल ही में भारतीय जनता पार्टी बुद्धिजीवी प्रकोष्ठ गुरुग्राम के ज़िला संयोजक, श्री अमर झा एवं प्रकोष्ठ के सदस्यों ने मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी श्री सुधीर राजपाल को ज्ञापन देकर अवगत कराया।
A video speaks in thousand words, trying to be regular.
Education System in India - Is it Pandemic Ready? Gaps, PitFalls and the way Ahead After Corona.
Environment Day Special - The Way Forward In The Era Of Epidemic | पर्यावरण दिवस विशेष : आगे की राह
Indian Cities vs Indian Villages | भारतीय शहर बनाम भारतीय गाँव
National Water Conference and "Rajat Ki Boonden" National Water Awards